This site is under construction but will hopefully soon have own content on #BanPrivateJets and related topics. In the meantime, here is a sample of articles on the issue:
- This article by Aaron Eisenberg on the Jacobin magazine summarizes the case for the ban from a leftist perspective

Ban Private Jets
We know who’s responsible for the climate crisis: rich people. Nowhere is this clearer than in aviation, with billionaires’ private jets ravaging the planet. We need to ban them now.
- This post by Lambert Strether on the Blog Naked Capitalism makes the obvious case for the ban lingering longer on the point of view of the rich

Why Not Start Saving the Biosphere by Outlawing Private Jets? | naked capitalism
A forcing device for how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in one industry
- But also The Economist sees the absurdity of private jets, more or less
The Economist does indeed recognize that tax breaks on horribly polluting private jets are outrageous. However, I say, we can’t wait for international action on tax avoidance to fix the Isle of Man-loophole and the rest. It is much easier and effective to #BanPrivateJets now.
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